Newsletter – February 2016

February is the shortest month of the year but this one is a particularly big month for the ANP, with our naked bowling evening on Thursday 11th right here in Paris. We already have a lot of people signed up but inscriptions haven’t closed yet, so don’t miss this unique experience and fill in the form quickly! You won’t regret it, as a great evening is assured.

Events: Thanks to the efforts of Speedy, our buzzing events organiser, we have at least one outing per month organised in 2016. You can see them on the “External Events and Gatherings” page of our website. If you would like to participate in an event, please tell us at the welcome desk on a swim night or send us an email.

AGM: The date of our Annual General Meeting has been fixed for Thursday, March 31st. If you are an ANP member, please note the date in your diary.

Youth rate: The entry fee for under 27 year olds will increase by one euro on March 1st, to be more in line with our other rates.

Drinks: The theme for this month’s gathering, set for Monday, February 15th, is crepes and pancakes. Come along with your sweet or savoury crepes, your favourite toppings/fillings and drinks.

Closure: The pool will be closed during the last week of February and the first week of March for emptying and cleaning. The last session is on Friday, February 19th and we reopen on Monday, March 7th. The gym will remain open throughout the period for members with a current membership card.

Yoga: When we reopen in March, we will have a new activity to offer: nude yoga. A professional in the field, certified in India and a naturist since his youth, will give classes on Friday evenings from 10pm till 11:15pm.


2015 11 09 Bowling Wervik