Nudesletter – September 2016


I hope you had a good summer. The pool reopens on Monday September 5th and everyone will be showing off their tans. Our sessions offer a variety of activities, with swimming, aqua aerobics classes, swimming technique perfection and even beginners’ classes, supervised by Stefano, Amine, Ruddy and Laura. The gym is as vibrant as ever, between those pumping muscle on the machines and the group of aerobic enthusiasts led by Pascal and Richard. Our masseurs, Thomas and Florence are still with us on Mondays and Damien is still here to give his very popular yoga classes on Fridays. For massage and yoga, it’s best to reserve in advance.

Events: We were very active in August, with three organised outings plus friends getting together all over France.

On Sunday 7th, we headed once again to the Essonne Sun Club and what a gorgeous day it was! It was sunny and hot and we stayed till quite late in the evening to have dinner together around the barbecue.

On Sunday 14th, a group of members picnicked at Héliomonde.

On Sunday 28th, around 15 people joined the club APNEL for a nude hike near Egly.

From here on in, we’ll be organising mainly indoor events until next summer, although we hope that this good weather continues so we can get together every weekend in the sun at the different clubs outside of Paris.

On Saturday September 10th, the ANP will once again manage a stand at the “Forum des Associations” in the 12th arrondissement. If you are in the area, come and say hello. If you have a bit of time, stay with us to hand out flyers and promote our association.

After the Forum, a group of members will be heading to the Yonne department in Burgundy for a weekend in a 17th century farmhouse.

For more information on these outings, please take a look at the events page on our website:

Drinks: Our first gathering of the season will be on Friday September 16th. It will be an end of summer theme, so come along with your sweet or savoury dishes with summer fruit and vegetables, as well as drinks.
