Nudesletter – May 2017


I hope you didn’t overindulge over Easter. With the exception of a few public holidays, the pool and gym will be open throughout the month of May. We will also hold our Annual General Meeting this month – nude for the first time – and I hope to see many of you there.


As we do every six months, we had a brilliant time at the Balnéades spa in Orléans on April 1st. This time, 22 ANP members made the trip.

On the second weekend of the month, we headed to Dijon. After a visit of this gorgeous town on a radiant 25° Saturday afternoon, we went to the monthly spa afternoon on the Sunday, where we met several local naturists. The weekend was a tremendous success and we’re already talking about returning later in the year.

From June onwards, we have many interesting outings organised, open to you all. This is an opportunity for you to discover some local clubs and make new friends.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website. If you would like to participate, please contact us by email or directly at the welcome desk of the pool.

Annual General Meeting: Many of you have already returned your RSVP for our AGM on Sunday May 14th. If you haven’t already done so, please return yours this week, whether you’re coming or not. For those unable to come, as the members of an association you have the right to vote and can therefore give your proxy to another member who will be attending. Entry is free for members with up to date membership as long as you attend the meeting during the morning. If you arrive after the meeting, you will have to pay €16 like all other visitors.

Water Polo II: Following the success of our tournament in March, we are hosting another nude water polo evening on Monday May 15th at Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool, from 9pm. You can sign up now either at the pool or by email.

Closure: The pool and gym will be closed on Monday May 1st and on Monday May 8th. The gym will be closed on Thursday May 25th.

Pot luck gathering: On Wednesday May 17th, let’s celebrate spring at the pool! Bring along your dishes made with seasonal produce – tarts, cakes, etc. – to share with everyone.

Search for share accommodation: An ANP member is looking for a place to live in Paris. If you have a room to rent or if you know of someone who does, please contact me and I will put you in touch.
