Nudesletter – July 2017


After a gorgeous month of June and record attendance at the pool, the season is approaching its end. Come and make the most of the pool until July 7th.


We didn’t spend much time indoors in June. We visited the Essonne Sun Club where our own lifeguard Ruddy gave an excellent water aerobics class and charmed all the ladies. We also visited the Club Gymnique de France in Villecresnes and 16 ANP members out of a total of 25 people participated in a nude bowling tournament in Ozoir la Ferrière.

We finished the month of June with an “open door” evening to coincide with National Nude Day. Many naturists came to discover the ANP and its diverse activities on Friday, June 30th.

On Sunday, July 9th, APNEL has invited us on a nude hike in Egly, at 10am.

On Sunday, July 16th, we’ll return to the Essonne Sun Club for the third annual picnic between our two clubs. Come along with your picnic hampers, drinks and sun screen. You can use the club’s barbecue.

On Sunday, July 30th, it’s the Hespérides club that will welcome us for a day on their grounds. Once again, bring something to eat and drink.

I encourage you to visit the local clubs this summer, even outside of our organised visits.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website. If you would like to participate, please contact us by email or directly at the welcome desk of the pool.

Pot luck gathering: For our final gathering of the season, we’ve chosen the theme of France’s national day – Bastille Day. I ask you then to being along your traditional French dishes, sweet or savoury, as well as drinks.

New logo: You have perhaps noticed the use of a new logo these past few weeks. The ANP is no longer the little swimming club it was a few years ago. We organise outings as varied as bowling, dinners, theatre, visits all over France and abroad… Our sessions at the pool are just as busy with gym, aerobics, massage and yoga as with swimming. A logo that shows just one activity no longer corresponds with the direction that the association has taken over the past two years. On top of that, you, our members and guests, embrace the associative spirit more and more. It could be by your participation in our outings or in the activities organised during the swim sessions. It could be by the help that many of you offer at the welcome desk (like setting up the tables and chairs). All of these contributions breathe life into the association. This new logo represents, quite simply, a Parisian association on the move. It’s all said in just one image.
I congratulate Stéphane – a member of our team – for this great work!

Closure: The 2016/2017 will end on Friday, July 7th and, like each year, the pool will be closed to our activities for two months. The gym will remain open for members with up to date membership for the month of July only, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9pm till 11pm. Please bring your membership cards.

I wish you all a very nice summer. I hope to see you at the clubs in Île de France or on the beaches. Our activities will resume on Monday, September 11th. Come back tanned and terrific and ready for a new season of ANP activity.
