Nudesletter – November 2017


I’m starting this month’s Nudesletter on a paper serviette at 1:30am in the bar of a night train from Paris to Verona, on my way to the International Naturist Swimming Gala in Italy.

Events in October: This was a month packed with varied events.

6th – 7th: A group went to Belgium for an evening reserved for naturists at Océade water park, followed by a day at a naturist spa.

15th: To mark the end of the experimental period of the naturist area in the Bois de Vincennes, we organised a picnic there. With the amazing sun we had for that final weekend, 730 people turned up. I would never have imagined so many. The atmosphere was friendly, as always. Thank you all for your support during this adventure and for your respect of the space and its charter of conduct. We will soon begin a series of meetings at Town Hall and hope that the area will reopen in spring.

20th – 22nd: Annual swimming gala organised by the International Naturist Federation (INF) in Andalo, Italy. What a success! The ANP contingent consisted of 21 swimmers and 2 supporters, including one president who talked so much that he lost his voice. Our team returned to Paris covered in medals: 8 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze, a huge effort that deserved a ticker-tape parade down the Champs Élysées.

The gala brings together over 300 naturists from many countries every year. This sports competition allows us to meet French and foreign naturists and to create new solid ties.

It’s in this spirit of friendship and rallying together – which has been the policy of the ANP this past two years – that I suggested to the INF that Paris hosts the gala in 2019. If the budget is accepted by the INF, we will organise an event filled with good memories for all the participants. If you think you can help us – with your ideas, your capabilities or contacts – I will be happy to chat.

Events in November:

1st – 15th: O’Naturel, Paris’s first naturist restaurant, opens its doors this month in the 12th arrondissement. Before the official opening, it will be open exclusively to the ANP and friends for two weeks, with a 20% discount on the bill! I’m organising an evening there on Wednesday November 1st, from 7:30pm. If you would like to come, please contact me quickly (it’s this coming Wednesday!). For those who would like to go between the 2nd and the 15th, reserve your tables directly on the restaurant’s website: and mention that you heard about it through the ANP for your discount.

Sunday 5th: Nude bingo afternoon at the Club Gymnique de France in Villecresnes from 1pm. Bring a dish to share and win some great prizes, including camping goods, wellbeing articles, swimming gear and even a bike!

Thursday 23rd: Nude bowling in Ozoir la Ferrière from 8pm.

Saturday 25th: We’re heading once again to Orleans for the Balnéades spa with our friends from the association Joie et Santé.

Nude dinner in December: Speedy had privatised an Italian restaurant in the heart of Paris on Thursday December 14th for a nude dinner. To reserve your seat, you must pay your €30 at the pool’s welcome desk, either by cash or cheque.

You can register for these events by sending me an email, or at the welcome desk of the pool. For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website.

Monthly drinks: On Monday November 6th, we’re having one of my favourite themes of the year: cheese and bread. Bring along your favourite cheese, bread or drink.

Closure: The pool and the gym will be closed on Wednesday November 1st, for All Saints Day. So you can come to the dinner at O’Naturel!

INF youth meeting in Austria: The INF is organising a youth gathering for 14 to 28 year olds from May 10th – 14th 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The cost is €50, including meals and accommodation, at the Lobau Naturist Club. Over the weekend, visits will be organised, as well as sports activities and sauna. You can bring your tent or sleep indoors (you need to bring a sleeping bag and inflatable mattress). If this trip interests you, please ask me for the registration form.

Massage: Our masseur Thomas, who gives his time free of charge on Monday evenings for the wellbeing of our members, has just launched his new venture “FilGoud”. This mobile service offers seated massages in workplaces. If you think your colleagues could benefit from the magic hands of Thomas, contact him at

Yann Arthus-Bertrand film shoot: The famous director is looking for naturist women for his new film “Woman”. Please read the attachment for more information. If you would like to appear in the film, you can contact the casting agency at
