Year: 2018

Nudesletter – March 2018

Hi, Having been closed for a week in February, we saw less of each other than usual but it was nevertheless a month full of activity. The pool was emptied, cleaned and refilled in just one week and we resumed our activities on February 26th. Events in February: We were just two ANP members at… Read more Nudesletter – March 2018

Nudesletter – February 2018

Hi, A member recently remarked that in reading my Nudesletters, it looks as though I’m never in Paris. I’m writing to you this month on my way to Lyon, where six ANP members will join in a nude bowling tournament organised by the Gymno Club Rhodanien. These exchanges are becoming more and more frequent and… Read more Nudesletter – February 2018

Nudesletter – January 2018

Happy Nude Year! What a year 2017 was! It started on February 8th with a world record for participation in a nude bowling tournament with 137 here in Paris and the entire year was dotted with different and often imaginative events thanks to the efforts of Speedy and Hubert. After a year of discussions between the… Read more Nudesletter – January 2018