Year: 2019

Nudesletter – December 2019

Hello! In stark contrast with the weather, November was a warm and friendly month at the ANP, with lots of activities and good numbers at the pool. The year isn’t over yet and we still have a month full of fun ahead of us! Events in November: Stefano showed us on November 13th the first… Read more Nudesletter – December 2019

Nudesletter – November 2019

Hello! We’ve fallen straight into autumn with daylight savings and a drop in temperature. Suddenly, the water – which is always at 27°C – feels hotter and everyone wants to swim, or at least warm themselves in the water. Events in October: There were 400 of us at the water park event on Saturday October… Read more Nudesletter – November 2019

Nudesletter – October 2019

Hello! What a pleasure to see you all again at the pool in September! The pool reopened three weeks ago and we’re as active as ever. For those who feel the cold more than others, the roof was put back in place on September 22nd and around the poolside it’s nice and warm. Events in… Read more Nudesletter – October 2019

Nudesletter – August 2019

Hello! A pool would have been nice in July, with the highest temperatures ever recorded in Paris. For those on holiday, I hope you’re enjoying the water. Over the next few months, we have some interesting and varied events to offer you. Events in July: The ANP was very well received at the Hespérides on… Read more Nudesletter – August 2019

Nudesletter – July 2019

Hello! I’m publishing this month’s Nudesletter a little early as I’m leaving this last weekend of June for Lyon to celebrate the 90th birthday of France’s oldest naturist club, the Gymno Club Rhodanien. We had every season in June. The removal of the pool’s roof wasn’t appreciated by everyone during a rather cold week (although… Read more Nudesletter – July 2019

Nudesletter – June 2019

Hello! On May 21st, the ANP celebrated its 66th birthday. Thank you everyone, club members, visitors and board members, as well as our lifeguards plus yoga and gym coaches for bringing so much life to this wonderful association. May was a turbulent month, with voyages, annual general meetings and more. In spite of the drop… Read more Nudesletter – June 2019

Nudesletter – May 2019

Hello! In April, we were the sad witnesses of the loss of a part of our national heritage. The whole world reacted to the fire of Notre Dame, including the ANP. We are lucky to live in one of the world’s most beautiful cities and Parisians always come out of difficult times stronger than ever.… Read more Nudesletter – May 2019

Nudesletter – April 2019

Hello! We were back at the pool on March 11th after its half-yearly clean and the water was already heated to 27°C. Lately, we have participated in a lot of events organised elsewhere, some by us and some by other clubs. It’s always a pleasure to catch up with you far from Paris. Events in… Read more Nudesletter – April 2019

Nudesletter – March 2019

Hello! This month I’m writing my Nudesletter in the high speed train, on my way back from Luxembourg, where I was at the annual meeting of EuNat, the European division of the International Naturist Federation. We discussed 2019’s upcoming projects, a list of international gatherings that I’ve added to our page of other clubs’ activities.… Read more Nudesletter – March 2019