Nudesletter – March 2019


This month I’m writing my Nudesletter in the high speed train, on my way back from Luxembourg, where I was at the annual meeting of EuNat, the European division of the International Naturist Federation. We discussed 2019’s upcoming projects, a list of international gatherings that I’ve added to our page of other clubs’ activities. Please check the page out from time to time, in case there’s an international event that might interest you.

Events in February:

On February 4th, Stéphane and Béatrice, together with our swimming coaches, organised a terrific swimming competition, to select the swimmers who will represent the ANP in the French national team at the international naturist swimming gala in October.

We held our last ever nude bowling tournament at Champerret on February 12th.

On Saturday February 16th, a full house was there for the last supper at O’Naturel naturist restaurant. At the end of the evening no-one wanted to leave and it was with sadness that we finally left. I extend once again my thanks to Mike and Stéphane for 14 wonderful months.

Upcoming events:

On March 9th, a group of our members are going to Austria for a ski week with our friends from British Naturism. The hotel, which will be totally naturist for the week, is fully booked.

A few ANP members will be in Valence on March 16th where they will swim in the trials for October’s swimming gala in Paris. This event is also fully booked.

On March 23rd, the Belgian Naturist Federation is organising a huge evening at an aquatic centre in Ghent, where 500 naturists are expected!

Places are being filled quickly for our weekend in Marseille in May. To avoid disappointment, please tell us if you would like to participate. For each event, we always have last minute requests when it’s already full and we have to refuse people, which we don’t like to do.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Closure: The pool is currently closed for its half-yearly emptying and cleaning, from February 25th – March 10th. We will reopen in Monday March 11th and 9pm. The gym will remain open during this period for members with current membership.

Nude museum visit in Luxembourg: The Sports et Loisirs Naturist Association is organising a nude guided visit at the Villa Vauban (art museum of the City of Luxembourg) on Thursday May 23rd at 6pm.
Exhibit “Plakeg, the nude around 1900”.
Free entry
Please register before March 15th. If there are not 15 people signed up before this date, the event will be cancelled by the museum.
Information et reservations:
