Nudesletter – July 2019


I’m publishing this month’s Nudesletter a little early as I’m leaving this last weekend of June for Lyon to celebrate the 90th birthday of France’s oldest naturist club, the Gymno Club Rhodanien.

We had every season in June. The removal of the pool’s roof wasn’t appreciated by everyone during a rather cold week (although compared to the cold air, the 27°C water seemed quite hot) and at the end of the month we broke our attendance record when 217 people came on Wednesday 26th to escape the heatwave that has hit France.

Events in June:

For our communal picnics in the nude zone of the Bois de Vincennes in June, the weather was on our side. The gym classes that our coach Yvan gave were particularly appreciated, with many of our members coming especially and other people spontaneously joining in.

For our June drinks, with a Mediterranean theme, Michel and his team from the naturist resort Origan Village came to Roger Le Gall swimming pool and two lucky members each won a holiday at Origan!

On June 18th, 13 ANP members attended the play “Temps Nu”. Afterwards, drinks were kindly served and we had a long discussion about naturism and nudity with the 4 actors, who performed naked, and the director Jean-Michel Rabeux. He plans to repeat the event next year.

To mark the end of the season, the ANP team organised an open door week to allow a few hundred visitors to discover our association. I hope they were tempted enough by our activities to want to join the club in September!

Upcoming events:

We end the month of June with Paris Naturist Day in the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes on Sunday 30th. This will be the year’s biggest naturist gathering and we invite you to join in a free yoga class at 11:30am, a free gym class at 3:30pm and the world’s biggest naturist picnic at midday. Don’t forget your picnic hampers and plenty of water.

Journée Parisienne du Naturisme

On Saturday July 6th, come to the Hespérides for a day of fun: picnic, pool, games, communal dinner and an evening of karaoke. 
Entry: €13 for the whole day. Reserve here.
Possibility of carpooling (text Stéphane on +33 7 66 14 53 09).

We’re organising a picnic in the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes on July 7th, starting with a free open air yoga class at 11:30am.

On Sunday July 21st, we’re offering another yoga class from 11:30 in the nude park of the Bois de Vincennes. Our friends from Origan Village will once again join us and you will have the chance to win a holiday in this gorgeous naturist resort! Come as usual with food, drinks and friendliness.

From August 19th – 23rd, we’ll spend 4 days on the Porquerolles Islands with our friends in the south. Guesthouse with pool and wellness centre, naturist beach, kayaking and transfers on train and boat. 
Four nights including breakfast, including 2 days on the sea. 
Tariff: €285 excluding transport and meals, estimated at around €300, for a total of about €585.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

New activity: On June 26th, Valérie launched plantar reflexology sessions, with such success from the very first session that we hope to continue next season. Like our masseurs and the administration board, Valérie is a volunteer who gives her time for your pleasure.

Monthly drinks – Wednesday July 3rd: This season’s last drinks will have a red berry / summer fruit theme. Come with a summery sweet or savoury dish for a final friendly gathering before the closure.

Closure: Like every year, the pool will be closed during the summer holidays. Our last swimming session is on Friday July 5th. We will be there to welcome you once again on Monday September 9th. Please check the calendar on our site to verify this date. Also, have a look at our activities page regularly to participate in our different outings organised this summer.
