Nudesletter – September 2019


I hope you all had a terrific summer. For some, this is the end of naturism for the year but for us at the ANP it’s only the beginning, as our new season starts in a week!

Events in August:

A group of members headed to Porquerolles Island for a few days on the sea. They returned tanned and happy after their well-organised trip.

One of our picnics in August was cancelled due to a weekend of rain but we were there the other weekends and over the last ten days there are more and more of us in presence.

Upcoming events:

We’ve already kicked off the month of September with yoga and a picnic in the naturist park of the Bois de Vincennes today.

On Saturday September 7th, we’ll be at the 12th Arrondissement’s associations’ fair day on the Boulevard de Reuilly, from 10am till 6pm. If you’re in the area, come and say hello!

On Sunday September 8th it’s the World Naked Bike Ride. We’re meeting in the naturist park of the Bois de Vincennes from 10am. At 11:30, Damien will give an open air yoga class for those who would like to relax before the protest. At 12:30, we’ll share our picnic hampers. There will be body painting, so think up some fun slogans with an ecological theme. The presence of each person will help us show that we’re fighting against climate change and want to save our planet. 
The ANP is not behind the organisation of this event. For more information, check out the only official page on Facebook for the WNBR in France. 
To join the ANP group on the day, sign up for free by clicking on this link.

On Saturday September 14th, APNEL has invited us to Fontainebleau for a nude hike. Sign up free of charge here.

On Sunday 15th, we’ll be back in the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes for an open air yoga class at 11:30am, followed by a big picnic at 12:30.

On Friday September 27th, there’s an evening of Beautiful Skin in the centre of Paris. This will be a night of naturist clubbing with several DJs.

The month will end as it began, on Sunday 29th, with yoga in the Bois de Vincennes at 11:30am followed by a big communal picnic.

On Thursday October 3rd (German National Day) at 6pm, Natury-Team is organising a nude guided visit in German of the exhibition “Elina Brotherus – Photographs” at Luxembourg’s Villa Vauban Art Gallery. For more information, check out our page of other clubs’ activities.

There has been a lot of interest in the Belgian Naturist Federation’s water park event in Mons on October 5th. I’ve added some more information on the events page of our website, notably a link to the youth hostel that a lot of attendees will be staying in. The following day, before our return to Paris, we’re planning to visit a naturist spa.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

48th Swimming Gala: All of the participating federations have been sending their room reservations through. We’ll be welcoming a few countries that have never attended this gathering. If you would like to be a part of this big event, we’re looking for people to help with a multitude of tasks (in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish):

            Welcome on Friday October 18th at 4pm
            Set up of flags, etc. at the pool on Friday evening
            Set up of final things at the pool on Saturday 19th at 7:30am
            Accompaniment by groups of 15 between the accommodation and the pool
            Presence at the entry of the pool (in one hour periods)
            Lunch service
            Placing things away at the pool
            Accompaniment of groups back to the accommodation
            Set up of the reception centre
            Guided visit of Paris on Sunday 20th

If you would like to come and watch the competition, you can reserve your places at this link for just €10 with the additional option of a lunch tray for €15. Nudity is required for everyone.

The competition will be followed by a big gala evening in Paris, with dinner, drinks, a variety of entertainment and music. Follow this link to reserve your places for €60. The evening is open to members of the ANP and FFN or other international naturist licence holders. An added bonus, our partners have generously donated naturist holidays to be won on the night, including Grottamiranda (Italy), Origan Village (France) and Finca Johanna (Spain)!

Naturist Swimming Gala

Return to normal activity: The pool will reopen on Monday September 9th and we will be happy to welcome you from 8:45pm for the session starting at 9pm. 
For members with current membership, the gym reopens on Monday September 2nd. Please bring your membership cards.

September drinks: Our start of season drinks are on Friday 13th in the pool entry hall. Bring along whatever you like: a sweet or savoury dish, drinks or even a bottle of water or a packet of chips.

Membership rates: As voted by our members at the Annual General Meeting in May, our annual rates have increased by €10 this year, for the first time in 8 years. Each year, our expenses go up (pool rental, swimming coach salaries…) and after so many years our tariffs need to align with our expenses. The adult rate (27 and over) is now at €150 and the youth rate (18 to 26) is €50. Child membership (up to 17) remains free.

Survey: Nick and Lins of Naked Wanderings have launched a survey about naturist holidays. Please leave your opinion at this link.

New partner : Finca Johanna, a naturist guesthouse in Andalusia in Spain is our newest partner and is offering a 10% discount to all international naturist card holders !

Letter to My Body: “We are contacting you as part of our therapeutic project Letter to My Body and we would like to invite your members to be a part of the adventure. 
The L’être à mon corps movement was founded in March 2017 by art therapist Louise Martin as a means to create a bond with one’s body. 
Louise chose to launch the project by creating a place of expression through letters written to one’s body, letters which will all be published on a dedicated site and of which some will appear in a book due to for release in 2020. 
For this book, the principle is to write a letter to one’s own body, as thanks, anger, forgiveness… The choice is yours, according to your relationship with your body, your needs and wants. 
The account is written by hand. It’s neither the quality of writing nor spelling or even crossed out words that matter. What counts is the sincerity and authenticity. 
Once the letter is written, the person, if he or she wishes, can be photographed by the photographer Juliette Dupuis to illustrate what he or she has shared about his or her relation with his or her body. 
We would very much like your members to participate in our project. The objective is to allow the greatest number possible to reconnect with their bodies and emotions. 
For more information, please contact us directly. 
The team of L’être à mon corps”

British TV show: Have you ever thought about playing soccer naked against a team of dressed famous British ex-players? If the answer is yes, an English television channel is looking for you. Filming will take place in Paris mid-October. 
Contact Rebecca by email at
