Nudesletter – April 2020


Here we are in a situation that no-one would have imagined just a few weeks ago. Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool, like all sports complexes across France, is closed until further notice. We don’t know exactly how long we will be in confinement but the ANP is still by your side and we’re launching some things for your pleasure…

Free online classes: To help you to stay in shape and to maintain a link with the ANP during this period of confinement, Vincent has made a series of videos that are already available on our new YouTube channel, Association Naturiste Paris TV and on our site.

You can click on these links right now to follow Yvan’s gym class and Damien’s yoga session.

Facebook: Stéphane has also been very busy and last week launched our new Facebook page: It’s on this page that you can follow our news live.

Events in March:

There was a strong ANP presence at the huge water park evening in Ghent on March 7th. Bravo to our friends at the Belgian Naturist Federation for their perfect organisation, which brought 400 naturists together.

Because of COVID-19, the Valence naturist swimming competition was cancelled. We thank the Valence Sun Club for all the work that had been involved.

The Beautiful Skin dance party on March 27th was also cancelled.

The Joie et Santé Association was also obliged to cancel their Balnéades spa evening in Orléans on Mach 28th.

Upcoming events:

The new version of the naturist play Nu et Approuvé, that so many of us were looking forward to on April 19th, has been cancelled.

The French Federation of Naturism has postponed the naturist festival that was to be held on July 18th-19th until summer 2021.

For other upcoming events, it’s too early to make a decision but we respect the decisions made by the concerned clubs. We must put our health first. After this dark period, the sun will shine again. Even separated from our friends, our friendships remain as strong as ever and we won’t lose the associative spirit which makes the ANP such a strong association.

You can still reserve your places for our week of holidays at Origan Village in the south-east of France, from July 25th to August 1st. The resort is offering us a 17% discount on accommodation and a tailored welcome. To book, please send us an email or an SMS.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

April drinks: If the pool reopens beforehand, the theme for our drinks on Monday April 20th is skewers. The idea is that everyone comes with his or her own creative skewers: meat, vegetables, tofu, cheese, fruit, sweets, chocolate, caramels… Perhaps not beef, strawberries and cheese on one skewer but you get the concept.

Death of Rémi: In March, we lost Rémi, a member of just 40 years of age, popular with everyone. Thank you for your generous donations. We topped up the amount collected and have offered everything to the Red Cross, an organisation close to Rémi’s heart, to which he gave his time and energy as a volunteer.

Membership: We are going to make sure that no-one loses on their current membership during the confinement period. For those who are no longer up to date, you can renew now and your new membership will start the day our activities resume. Your happiness remains our priority.

Help to those in isolation: If you’re isolated and in need of assistance, please contact us and we will try to find someone in your area who can help you with your shopping. Don’t forget that we’re all confinudes; we are united in this situation and we all miss the social contact that the ANP provides us. Even if you don’t need help, please send us a message. We want to know how you all are.

Any news of the pool’s reopening will be posted on our website, on our Facebook page and on our Twitter account. In the meantime, please stay positive, stay healthy and stay in touch.
