Confinudesletter – May 2020


Congratulations to those who survived the month of April with their sanity intact. On this 46th day of confinement, I know what you’re going through.

Online gym and yoga classes: We have increased the number of videos online this past month and if you haven’t already done so, please follow our YouTube channel Association Naturiste Paris TV. Starting this evening, we’re moving up a notch with the launch of our live online classes. This first one is a yoga session with Damien. We are providing you with four one hour classes each week, on Zoom, limited to twelve people:

Monday – gym with Claire from 7pm to 8pm
Tuesday – gym with Yvan from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Thursday – gym with Yvan from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Friday – yoga with Damien from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Click on the links to reserve your places, free for our members and €10 for visitors.

Upcoming events:

We won’t be forgetting 2020 in a hurry. All of our travel plans, parties and just normal life lately have gone up in smoke but we will start reclaiming our lives bit by bit.

Tomorrow, Saturday May 2nd, it’s World Naked Gardening Day. The FFN is organising a photo contest with a prize to be won. Send your photos to contact@ffn-naturisme .com

The only thing planned for this summer that we haven’t (yet) cancelled is our week of holidays at Origan Village from July 25th till August 1st. We all deserve a good break after this long period of incarceration, so why not go away with friends and take advantage of the great price offered to the ANP?

Save the date! The Belgian Naturist Federation, always looking to do better than before, is privatising Aqualibi, a big water fun park with loads of waterslides for all ages, wave pool, restaurant…all in naturist mode for the evening of October 10th. To facilitate transport between Paris and Wavre, we’re looking into the possibility of a return trip together by bus.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Assistance to those feeling isolated: I’m asking the same question I asked in April: if you need our help during this confinement or if you are able to offer your services to others, please contact us.

As soon as we have any news about the pool’s reopening or that of the nude park of the Vincennes Woods, it will be posted on our website, on our Facebook page and on our Twitter account. Take care of yourselves and please don’t hesitate to send us a word to maintain our bond of friendship.
