Nudesletter – October 2020


September was a great month for the ANP, with the reopening of our activities at Roger Le Gall swimming pool and our naturist visit of the Louis de Funès exhibition at the Cinémathèque.

We have a lot of new members since reopening. We wish you all a warm welcome and hope that you already feel part of the ANP family!

Events in September:

We welcomed just over 30 members (because of COVID restrictions) on September 5th for our Annual General Meeting at the Club Gymnique de France. After the AGM, we all ate together on the forecourt. Some members left because of the clouds but in the end it was a lovely hot afternoon and we enjoyed the sun, the pool and the pétanque pitch.
The structure of our board remains mostly unchanged, with the exception of Ted and Vincent who take the reins of the secretariat and Ted who has been incorporated into the press team with Julien and Fabrice. You may also have noticed the presence of three new faces at the welcome desk: Emmanuel, Olivier and Vincent.

On Saturday 12th we were at the 12th Arrondissement’s Associations Fair Day to talk about the ANP to local residents. We met interesting men and women of all ages whom we hope to see soon at our activities.

On Sunday September 13th we spent the morning at the Cinémathèque française (French Film Library) for our big event of the year. Naked and masked, we visited the Louis de Funès exhibition. Divided into three visits, (the first accompanied by the press), a quarter of the participants were ANP members and the majority were a mixture of friends and new faces. For many, this visit was their introduction to naturism. We’ve already seen several of them at the pool. The local and international press shone a positive light on the association and our activities. Our collaboration with the media is very important not only for the ANP but also for the global naturist movement. The more we show the fun and varied side of naturism, the more enthusiasts we attract. I thank the Cinémathèque once again for opening their doors free of charge to the ANP for this unforgettable event.

The Prefect of Paris yet again refused the French Federation of Naturism’s request to hold a World Naked Bike Ride in Paris to defend our planet but we extend our congratulations to the city of Rennes in Brittany where the first ever authorised WNBR in France took place on Sunday September 13th. Well done to the team for your hard work!

Stéphane took a group of hikers on a final nude hike of the season on Tuesday 22nd, to make the most of the sunny 27°C day.

Thanks to the good weather during the first few weeks of September, we were able to hold several open air gym and yoga classes in the naturist park of the Bois de Vincennes. After an hour of fun (or torture, however you prefer to look at it) we set the “table” on our picnic rugs to regain all the calories lost during the class.

Upcoming events:

On Saturday October 10th, we’re organising a morning naturist visit of a photographic exhibition on the nude male at the Galerie Miranda in the 10th arrondissement. Places are extremely limited, at just 10 people.

24 January, I – from the series ‘him’ photographed by Laura Stevens in Paris, France

The season is approaching its end but our coaches will be present for two final gym and yoga classes before the annual closure of the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes, each one followed by a picnic, if the weather allows:
Sunday September 4th from 11:30am – 12:30pm: gym class with Claire
Sunday September 11th from 11:30am – 12:30pm: yoga class with Damien
Please respect the distance between people. The Bois de Vincennes is part of Paris’s 12th arrondissement, so all the anti-COVID rules that exist in town are also required here, notably the interdiction to gather in groups of more than 10 people.

On Monday November 9th, we’re planning another cultural outing with a nude theatre evening. Fabrice Pannetier is acting in a new play called Les Fous Alliés, with Vincent Cordier. Strict rules will be in place (masks, distances…). Reserve your seats here for just €15.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Departure of Damien: After several years of service with the ANP, our yoga teacher Damien is leaving us to create a new life far from Paris. The whole team thanks him for his devotion to the association. Damien will give his last class at the pool on Friday October 16th. On the 23rd, we will welcome Hamish, our new yogi. You can continue to reserve your places for yoga by sending us an email during the week.

Gym classes: Don’t forget that in addition to our gym and yoga classes open to visitors and members on pool nights, there are also gym classes with Yvan and Claire, reserved for members only, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9pm. Also, we have decided to relaunch our live classes, due to popular demand.

COVID: Yes, I know, we’re all sick of hearing the word, but I just wanted to thank you all for your respect of the measures put in place by Paris Town Hall. The ANP is a safe place thanks to your vigilance, especially in the gym where each person cleans the machines and mats after each workout with the disinfectant that we have placed at your disposal. Please continue to respect these rules so we can remain open and don’t forget to wear your masks everywhere except in the water or during sport.

Massage: Certain activities have been suspended because of the situation we’re living through and I know that many of you particularly miss the massages at the pool. Our masseur Hervé is offering small group massage exchanges in the 20th arrondissement fully respecting anti-COVID measures:
Introduction to basic techniques on Saturdays (3 hours, €30 for beginners and €10 for advanced students beyond level 1), massage exchange on Sundays (2 x 3 hours for €10), individual sessions (enquire below). Respect of sanitary measures: stay away if you show any signs of COVID, masks compulsory, hydroalcoholic gel (hands and forearms of masseur), BYO towels the full length of the massage table, cleaning of material (tables and accessories), no facial or head massages. In 2021 level 1 training with a teacher is planned, subject to demand.
Contact Hervé Stève, Terpischore* massage practitioner:
