Nudesletter – September 2021


The end of summer (“What summer?” I hear the Parisians asking) is the start of our swimming pool season. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again in good health in September.

We’re inaugurating our new pool – Georges Rigal in the 11th Arrondissement – on Saturday September 4th at 8pm. Roger Le Gall in the 12th Arrondissement reopens on Monday 13th at 9pm, after a period of maintenance.

The sanitary passport is required at all municipal pools and associations must respect this rule. We have received very clear orders from the government and we have the choice between the passport or closure.

Events in August:

We organised three outings in August: a nude hike on the 11th, a Nordic walk on the 19th and a day at the Club Gymnique de France on the 21st.

We also offered gym and yoga classes in Paris’s naturist park every Sunday.

Upcoming events:

Beautiful Skin is back! On Friday September 3rd, from midnight till 6am, the gang welcomes you for a night on the dance floor to the grooves or a long list of DJs, including our friend Loki Starfish. This 100% naturist electro dance party will take place every two months.

We’re celebrating the reopening of our activities with a nude dinner at l’Ange 20, one of our favourite restaurants, just a few steps from the Place des Vosges in the very heart of Paris! This Monday, September 6th at 7pm, Thierry is concocting a gastronomic menu for a naturist cocktail dinner. Reservation required. Price €30.

Our gym and yoga coaches will be in Paris’s naturist park every Sunday in September at 11:30am to give you a class.

On Saturday September 11th, come and say hi at the 12th Arrondissement’s Associations’ Fair Day, where the ANP will be running a stand all day in the boulevard de Reuilly (in the “sport” section). Take note! Sanitary passports and masks will be required in the entire village.

On Sunday October 10th, we invite you to the naturist park of Paris for a clean up day, one week before the end of the season.

If you would like to participate in the 49th Swimming Gala in Turin from November 5th – 7th, organised by the International Naturist Federation and the Unione Naturisti Italiani, there are only a few days remaining to book.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Yoga: Included in your membership or entry fee, you also have two yoga classes at Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool every week this year, Tuesdays at 9:15pm with Meire and Fridays at 9:45pm with Hamish. These classes are very popular and are often full, so please reserve your places by sending us an email.

Gym: Glaubeson has been giving classes in the naturist park over summer and will be in our gym three nights a week this season:

Mondays 9:15pm
Wednesdays 9:15pm
Thursdays 9:15pm

Online fitness: Our classes on Zoom will pick up again in September:

Tuesdays 9:15pm – Yoga with Meire
Thursdays 9:15pm – Gym with Glaubeson
Fridays 9:45pm – Yoga with Hamish
Saturdays 10:30am – Pilates with Yannick

You can book your places on our events page.
