Nudesletter – October 2021


What a fantastic September! We launched our new session at Georges Rigal Swimming Pool in the 11th arrondissement, we returned to our activities at Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool, we gave gym and yoga classes in Paris’s naturist park and we had a few great outings.

We welcomed a large number of new members in September. I wish you all a warm welcome to our big family and I hope you will enjoy many years of happiness at the ANP.

Events in September:

The month began with another Beautiful Skin evening on Friday 3rd, where a huge number of naturists danced the night away.

Our start of season dinner at l’Ange 20 restaurant was a terrific evening, with a perfect mix of good company, conviviality and excellent food.

On Saturday 11th, along with Béatrice and Olivier, three of us spent the day on our stand at the 12th arrondissement’s associations’ fair day. We spoke about the ANP and our activities with lots of local residents and many have since come for a swim.

Upcoming events:

On Sunday October 10th, we’re organising a clean up day in the naturist park of Paris. We invite you to participate in the yoga class at 11:30am, followed by a picnic. After that, we’ll pull up our sleeves (our imaginary sleeves) and get to work. It’s thanks to Paris Town Hall that we have this gorgeous area, so it goes without saying that we should play a role in keeping it clean.

Still in the naturist park, we’re offering you three final sport sessions before the end of the season, Sundays at 11:30am:

October 3rd: Gym by Glaubeson
October 10th: Yoga by Meire
October 17th: Yoga by Meire

On Wednesday October 20th, we’re restarting our workshops. For this month, Vincent has invited Sandrine Larue, our multitalented friend who published her book Meurtres à nu this year. On the 20th, she’s giving us a sophrology class. Please contact us to reserve your free places.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Online classes: I haven’t posted a list of links for you to sign up this month. To simplify our efforts, I ask you to send us an email each week, with the classes you’d like to join for the upcoming week, telling us clearly if it’s for a class at the pool or on Zoom.

Tuesday 9:15pm: Yoga by Meire
Thursday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson *
Friday 9:45pm: Yoga by Hamish
Saturday 10:30am: Pilates by Yannick

* Note that the Thursday class will be suspended during Glaubeson’s holidays, from October 20th.

FFN Congress: I offer my congratulations to the French Federation of Naturism and its dynamic board of directors for the excellent organisation of the 62nd congress at Héliomonde from September 24th – 26th. These gatherings are an opportunity for club representatives to exchange ideas and forge friendships. I also congratulate my two vice-presidents for their new roles in the FFN – Béatrice as president of the Île de France region and Ted with communication.

INF Congress: Next week, I head to Slovenia for the International Naturist Federation’s 37th congress. 38 naturist federations will be present or represented to discuss the naturist world of tomorrow.
