Newsletter – May 2016

With the increase in temperature, attendance went up in April. We also saw a peak in membership, with several new members. In spite of the severe drop in temperature at the end of the month, you’ve maintained a good routine and attendance has remained high.

Events: A good sized group of ANP members attended the Balnéades outing in Orleans in April. We had a brilliant time and look forward to the next date.
Our nude lunch and jazz show at the Club Gymnique de France in Villecresnes on April 10th was a huge success. A big thank you goes to the CGF members for their welcome. We’ll definitely return this summer.
On Sunday May 8th we’re going to visit the Creil Sun Club, where we’ll have a BBQ and head out on a nude hike. We’re currently taking enrolments at the pool.
Nautena is organising a karaoke evening (clothed) in a Parisian restaurant on Saturday May 14th and we are invited to join them.
On Sunday May 29th we’re joining APNEL for a nude hike in Egly.
You can also sign up for our trip to the Gymno Club Rhodanien near Lyon on the weekend of June 11th and 12th.

Drinks: To celebrate the return of the sun, the theme for our after-pool get together on May 23rd is tropical, so come along with an exotic dish (sweet or savoury) or drink.

Yoga: More and more members have joined the yoga classes and the 15 places are often reserved before Friday. You can reserve your place during the week, either at the welcome desk of the pool or by email.

Rates: When the pool reopens in September after the school holidays, the membership fee for women will return to the same level as that of men, so €140 for unlimited entry for one year to all our activities at Roger Le Gall Pool (pool, swimming lessons, aqua aerobics, gym, steam room, yoga…).
Since April 25th, we accept a maximum of two cheques for the payment of membership.
We now accept “chèques vacances”, issued by many companies to their employees.

Website: All information concerning the association can be found on our website, updated regularly. I encourage you to adopt the habit of opening it frequently to look at our calendar to see when we’re open during holiday periods or when we’re closed and also to see the list of our external events, upcoming monthly drinks, the evolution of our activities and many other interesting things. You can even integrate the diary onto your smartphone.

Casting for a short film: If you are aged between 18 and 24 and living in France and would like to act nude in a film, please read the French version of this newsletter for detailed information.


2016 04 10 CGF - Stefano 2
Stefano the jazzman