Newsletter – December 2015

Welcome to our first newsletter! I’m going to try to write one every month, so that everyone can follow the association’s activity.
November wasn’t an easy month for Parisians but during the days following the Friday 13th attacks, attendance at our sessions actually increased, which shows your desire to live life. On top of that, with 47 new members this past month, we have reached a level of membership unseen since 2007. If you have recently joined the association, we wish you a warm welcome to our “family” and we hope to see you regularly for many long years to come.
Our monthly drinks have become even friendlier and I thank you all for your contributions. The next one is on Wednesday, December 16th and the theme is end of year festivities, so think of a festive dish (sweet or savoury) or drink.
We are increasing our number of outings in 2016, after the success of the events held this year. To kick off the year, a weekend in Lille and in Belgium (pool and thermal spa) has been organised. A few places still remain.
The year’s big event is reserved for Thursday, February 11th: the first ever nude bowling evening in Paris. The atmosphere will be fun and no knowledge of the game is required (if you saw my own level at the nude bowling event in Belgium in November, you would see that anyone can play). The inscription form with all the evening’s details is downloadable on the events page right here on our website. You can already pay for the evening in person at one of our sessions or by mail.
Other outings will be organised, notably a weekend at the Gymno Club Rhodanien near Lyon in June. This event is limited to around ten people, due to the host club’s capacity. The exact date will soon be confirmed.
We’re already thinking about the international swimming gala next October, organised in Italy by the International Naturist Federation.