Nudesletter – April 2017


We boosted our membership numbers in March, with several new members and the return of a few old ones after many years of absence. If you see some new faces at the pool, say hello. And for the newbies, don’t be shy about introducing yourselves to others.


There were over 60 people at our nude theatre event on Sunday March 5th. The Trimarrants adored performing naked in front of a naturist audience and hope to launch a tour of different naturist resorts this year. We were warmly welcomed by the theatre and made the most of the naked restaurant at our disposition.

Our naked water polo event on Monday March 6th was such a huge success that we’re already thinking of the next one! The 34 competitors had loads of fun and I was surprised by the determination of certain club members, particularly those who practically tore off heads to grab the ball.

A group of members enjoyed a nude disco evening on Saturday March 18th, dancing till 3am.

A few members headed up to Belgium over the last weekend in March for an evening at Aquaparc, followed by a day at the Thermen R spa.

We have two thermal outings organised in April, at the Balnéades in Orleans on Saturday 1st and the Dijon Balnuo on the 9th.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website. If you would like to participate, please contact us by email or directly at the welcome desk of the pool.

Online renewal: You can now renew your membership online with your credit card. You will find the link in the email I send you two weeks before your membership expires.

Closure: The pool will be closed on Monday April 3rd for the 50th birthday celebrations of the Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool and on Easter Monday, April 17th.

Pot luck gathering: On Monday April 24th, we’ll be celebrating Easter at the pool. Bring along your Paschal offerings: savoury or chocolate eggs, hot cross buns, etc. Hubert Prolongeau will be there for a discussion about his new book…

Book about nudity: The author Hubert Prolongeau, whom some of you may know from certain ANP activities, has just published a new essay about nudity entitled “Cover that breast…” Nudity in all its States (Robert Laffont €12). It is in French and an interesting read about nudity in our society today, often used as a weapon to defend a cause. Hubert will be at the pool on Monday April 24th to talk about his book and to sign copies.
