Nudesletter – September 2017


I hope you had a good summer. On one hand, it’s sad to see the days becoming shorter but we’re all anxious for our swimming sessions to restart and to see our friends again on Monday September 11th.

Historic event: After a year of discussions, negotiations, interviews and debates, I’m pleased to announce some big news: the opening of the public naturist space in the Vincennes Woods in the 12th Arrondissement of Paris on August 31st. The zone will be officially opened to the public from 1:30pm, from which point you can enjoy it every day from 8am till 7:30pm till October 15th for this first season. I propose that we all get together for a picnic this Sunday (September 3rd) at midday, totally and legally naked. Don’t forget your picnic rugs and hampers.

The zone is immediately to the north of the fenced off bird reserve, between the Allée Royale and the Route Dauphine. You will recognise it thanks to the signs and the three big pine trees.

I express my gratitude to Paris Town Hall for its proactivity and openness and, above all, I thank our own Julien Claudé-Pénégry for his energy and tireless effort.

I invite you all to frequent this area and to respect the charter of conduct displayed on the signs. It’s up to us as staunch naturists to set an example to the many people who will discover naturism here. Let’s offer a warm welcome to those who shed their clothes for the first time. These new naturists are potential future members of different naturist clubs and will subsequently visit naturist resorts in France and elsewhere. It is thus a new method to discover naturism and we all have a part to play. Help us to make this a friendly place. All together, let’s show how nice naturists are. Let’s say hello to each other. Let’s make new friends. Let’s make newbies want to be part of the naturist movement.

Don’t mistake this area for a nude club; there is no pool, nor clubhouse, nor snack bar. The naturist clubs in the outer suburbs will not lose customers; on the contrary, they will gain some.

Reopening of the gym: The gym will reopen next Monday, September 4th, at 9pm. Due to the maximum capacity allowed, this first week is reserved only for ANP members with up to date membership. Please bring your membership cards with you.

Reopening of the pool: After our summer hiatus, we’re all dying to jump in the water. Our sessions open to all restart on Monday, September 11th at 9pm. This will be the beginning of a new season, full of varied activities.

Outings: Around thirty members attended a picnic at Héliomonde on Sunday, August 13th.

On Sunday, August 27th, we enjoyed a day of archery at the Creil Sun Club. Thank you Béatrice for supervising this activity and thanks to Jean-Claude and the Creil team for welcoming us to your beautiful grounds.

On Sunday, September 3rd, a nude hike is organised with APNEL.

On Saturday, September 9th, the ANP will man a stand at the Associations Forum in the 12th Arrondissement. Come and say hi to us during the day.

After the Forum, from 7pm on Saturday September 9th, our multifaceted swimming instructor, Stefano, will be performing a nude jazz concert at the Club Gymnique de France in Villecresnes.

APNEL will once again be running a stand at the Festival of Humanity from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th September and several ANP members will be there. If you would like to help out on the stand, please contact me. To support this event, you can make a donation here.

On Tuesday, September 19th, we’re off to visit our friends at the Sun Club of France at the sauna Aqua Saint Paul in the Marais.

On Monday, September 25th, we’re organising another water polo match, following the huge success of the two previous events.

You can register for these events by sending me an email, or at the welcome desk of the pool. For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website.

Monthly drinks: The first get together of the season is set for Wednesday, September 13th. For these new season drinks, I’m asking you to bring a sweet of savoury cake, plus drinks.

Instagram: In August, I spoke to you about our Facebook and Twitter accounts, managed by Cédric. He has now opened an Instagram account for the ANP, so all of our association’s activities in images. Click on the links below to follow us.


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