Confinudesletter – November 2020


Here we are once again confinude. We’re denied human contact and even the right to practise our favourite sports. The ANP is reintroducing all of our online activities and we’re adding others for your pleasure and entertainment.

Events in October:

On Saturday October 10th, the Galerie Miranda in the 10th arrondissement opened its doors to us for a private naturist visit to see the works of the photographer Laura Stevens. We were separated into two COVID friendly groups.

On Sunday 11th, the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes closed for the season. After a few weeks of bad weather, the sun came out for Damien’s last outdoor yoga class with the ANP.

Upcoming events:

Unfortunately, theatres and restaurants have had to close again and we’re obliged to announce the postponement of our evening to see les Fous alliés on November 9th. It’s a shame, especially as the Théâtre du Marais had put strict measures in place to ensure that distances were kept, etc. and the event was almost fully booked. This year has been difficult for us all but certain sectors have been affected more than others. Out of solidarity for the theatre, the actors and all those employed thanks to this play, I ask you to hold onto your tickets until a new date is announced. If, however, you absolutely prefer a refund, please contact us. I hope that we can soon start organising activities again without the risk of cancellation hanging in the air.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Online activities: From this week, we’re offering you daily activities:

Monday: Gym class with Yvan at 9pm
Tuesday: Gym class with Yvan at 9pm
Wednesday: Evening naturist chat at 9pm (discussions with a new theme each week)
Thursday: Gym class with Claire at 9pm
Friday: Yoga class with Hamish at 9pm
Saturday: Nude drinks at 9pm
Sunday: Gym class with Claire at 11:30am

You can reserve your places on our events page.

Website: After 5 years, we’d like to give our site a facelift. If you have any ideas for improvements or if you would like to lend us a hand, please tell us.

Membership: Just as we did in September to compensate you for the long closure after March 16th, we will take care of all up to date memberships when normal activities resume.

Until then, take care of yourselves and of those close to you and, especially, stay optimistic, because a page will soon turn and life will be better than ever. The 2020s will be the new Roaring Twenties!
