Nudesletter – April 2021


I hope you’re all keeping well, naturist friends.

We’ll be organising loads of things in the weeks to come, starting with a conference next week with none other than the President of the French Federation of Naturism, Viviane Tiar, as our special guest star.

Events in March:

I’d like to thank Bruno Saurez for his presence at our conference on March 3rd, where he presented his new book, “120 Years  of Naturism in Marseille”. Nobody knows the History of our movement better than Bruno and he replied to the numerous questions asked during the session.

Upcoming events:

Check out our events page to reserve your places for our different online activities. There’s a good mix between members and non-members at these sessions and a lot live very far from Paris, so don’t hesitate to join us!

Monday: Gym class with Yvan at 9pm
Tuesday: Gym class with Claire at 9pm
Wednesday: Pilates class with Yannick at 6:30pm
Thursday: Gym class with Claire at 9pm
Friday: Yoga class with Hamish at 9pm
Sunday: Yoga with Damien at 11:30am

Wednesday April 7th: Online conference at 9pm with our special guest star Viviane Tiar, president of the FFN.
Saturday April 24th: Online drinks at 9pm
Wednesday May 5th: Online naturist discussion at 9pm
Saturday May 22nd: Online drinks at 9pm

Sunday April 18th at 6pm: Naturist drinks in English

On Saturday June 12th, at 9am, we’re returning to the Fiminco Foundation in Romainville for another collaboration with the Association Jeune Création. You are invited to the 71st edition of this festival where 46 young artists will show their work.
Reservation mandatory

Warmer days are on their way and our outings will soon return. Please look regularly at our website to see the different events organised.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Naturist park in the Vincennes Woods: A lot of you have asked us when it will reopen. As soon as we have a date, it will be published on our website and on our social media pages.
