Nudesletter – July 2021


Our activities at Roger Le Gall swimming pool resumed on June 9th, after an eight month break. What a pleasure to get back into our routine and to see old friends! Our opening hours remain unchanged (Monday & Wednesday 9pm – 11pm, Friday 9:30pm – 11:30pm). The welcome desk opens 15 minutes before the start of the session and for just 45 minutes. Please respect these times so that our volunteers can also enjoy the session. The last session of the season is on Monday July 5th.

Events in June:

We held our Annual General Meeting at the Hespérides sun club on June 5th, followed by a fun and festive afternoon. Here is the new composition of the board:
President: Laurent Luft
Vice-presidents: Ted Anspach, Béatrice Billot
I’m very happy to welcome Sandrine in the role of treasurer and Olivier in that of secretary.
The committee is strengthened with a united team, in which each member has taken on an important role. Along with Ted, Béatrice, Patrick, Stéphane, Julien, Olivier, Augustin, Vincent, Fabrice, Emmanuel and Sandrine, we will all be actively present to better serve the ANP.

We were received royally by the Association Jeune Création at the Fondation Fiminco in Romainville on June 12th, for the 71st Festival of Young Creation.

With a delay of one year, we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the oldest naturist club in Île-de-France, the Club Gymnique de France, on the weekend of June 19th/20th, with loads of activities and great people.

Stéphane organised several forest hikes in June, which are always very much appreciated by the participants.


Damien gave yoga classes on Sundays at 11:30am in the naturist park in the Bois de Vincennes, offered by the ANP for free to anyone who wished to join in.

Upcoming events:

Summer is here and we’re reviving our annual tour of our partner clubs in the Île-de-France region.

On Sunday July 18th, the ANP will be at the Hespérides for a day of pool, picnic and pétanque.

Stéphane is organising another nude hike on Wednesday July 21st.

Our coaches will be giving classes every Sunday in the naturist park in the Bois de Vincennes, free and open to all, without reservation.

There are still a few places left for our stay at Origan Village from July 17th – 24th, with a 20% discount to ANP members.

Don’t miss our nude hiking week in Germany either, with Thüringer Naturistentage from July 26th – August 3rd. There are just two places remaining.

Yannick is organising another sports course in Orange from September 14th – 18th, at the price of €350 with everything included. For more information, please email him at

As I mentioned last month, our theatre outing to see Fabrice Pannetier perform in the play “Les Fous Alliés” will be on Monday November 15th, after having been rescheduled during the confinement. Those who have already paid don’t need to book again but for the rest of you, please reserve your places for just €15.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Online fitness: Since returning to face-to-face activity, we’ve tested the connection for our Zoom classes in every possible position. We now know what works and what doesn’t and this will allow us to offer a better programme when activities resume again in September. With the big departure for summer already underway, we’re offering a reduced programme in July before a total pause in August. Please book by sending us an email ( with the dates you wish to reserve and we’ll block your places.

ANP classes on Zoom in July:

Monday: Gym with Yvan at 9pm
Friday: Yoga class with Hamish at 9pm
Saturday: Pilates with Yannick at 10:30am

During the closure of the pool, Hamish will be broadcasting his classes from his Parisian studio. Parisian members who are regulars at his classes are invited to the studio on Fridays throughout July (from the 9th) at 9pm.

Please note the change of day of Yannick’s classes. He starts on Saturday mornings from this Saturday, July 3rd.

Guide Hachette: A very good guide about naturism in France was released in June, “Voir la France tout nu”. It is written by our friends Julien Claudé-Pénégry and Nick & Lins of Naked Wanderings. This excellent collaboration is a marriage between associative and commercial naturism, filled with over 170 pages about naturism in France today. Order your copies here.

Meurtres à nu: Another friend of the ANP, Sandrine Larue, has recently published her book “Meurtres à nu”. It is already available online by following this link.

3N FFN: The magazine by the French Federation of Naturism is available online for you to read.


Focus INF-FNI: In case you missed the most recent edition of the International Naturist Federation’s newsletter, you can read it here.

Stefano: Following a bike accident this week, our swimming instructor Stefano is at home nursing a broken collar bone. We wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him in good health when the pool reopens after summer.

I wish you a wonderful summer! I hope to see you all happy and tanned in September at the pool.
