
Nudesletter – September 2018

Hi, The holidays are almost at an end, which means that we will soon be back at Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool. I hope you all made the most of this wonderful summer. We have lots of interesting projects planned for the upcoming season, to give you the opportunity to practise naturism throughout the year.… Read more Nudesletter – September 2018

Nudesletter – August 2018

Hi, I hope you’re enjoying your holidays. I’ve already seen the holiday snaps of many club members who headed to naturist resorts in July and I even bumped into several during our stay at La Sablière. Events in July: On Sunday July 1st, Aventure Land attraction park opened its doors to us – free –… Read more Nudesletter – August 2018

Nudesletter – July 2018

Hi, The end of the season is nearly upon us and with temperatures on the rise, many of you have been enjoying the pool under the stars. As each year, we will be closed during the summer break but this year, for the first time, we can continue to get together regularly thanks to the… Read more Nudesletter – July 2018

Nudesletter – June 2018

Hi, May was quite a month, starting with an outing that created a huge media buzz and ending with our Annual General Meeting and the Paris Naturist Association’s 65th birthday. In June once again, we have some big events in the calendar. Events in May At the end of April, we attended the weekly swim… Read more Nudesletter – June 2018

Nudesletter – May 2018

Hi, It’s with a huge sense of satisfaction that I’m starting this month’s Nudesletter under the shining sun in the naturist zone of the Bois de Vincennes. I once again thank the City of Paris and Town Hall of the 12th Arrondissement for the area’s reopening. A charter has been placed at the five entry… Read more Nudesletter – May 2018

Nudesletter – April 2018

Hi, During the last month, thanks to the organisation of our visit to the Palais de Tokyo on May 5th, several hundred people have asked to receive our Nudesletter. You have surely heard about this huge event organised by our association, which has made headlines around the world. Over 2.4 million people have seen the… Read more Nudesletter – April 2018

Nudesletter – March 2018

Hi, Having been closed for a week in February, we saw less of each other than usual but it was nevertheless a month full of activity. The pool was emptied, cleaned and refilled in just one week and we resumed our activities on February 26th. Events in February: We were just two ANP members at… Read more Nudesletter – March 2018

Nudesletter – February 2018

Hi, A member recently remarked that in reading my Nudesletters, it looks as though I’m never in Paris. I’m writing to you this month on my way to Lyon, where six ANP members will join in a nude bowling tournament organised by the Gymno Club Rhodanien. These exchanges are becoming more and more frequent and… Read more Nudesletter – February 2018

Nudesletter – January 2018

Happy Nude Year! What a year 2017 was! It started on February 8th with a world record for participation in a nude bowling tournament with 137 here in Paris and the entire year was dotted with different and often imaginative events thanks to the efforts of Speedy and Hubert. After a year of discussions between the… Read more Nudesletter – January 2018

Nudesletter – December 2017

Hi, Winter is upon us and the temperature is plummeting but that doesn’t put a stop to naturism. Everyone practises naturism in his or her own way. Some limit it to the beach in summer but at the ANP we practise all throughout the year. Even when it’s snowing outside, there are naturist activities organised… Read more Nudesletter – December 2017