Nudesletter – November 2021


We’re in that period of the year in which the leaves fall, the clock goes back and the temperature drops but the ANP doesn’t slow down! We’re here to offer you 6 sessions each week with 12 face to face classes and 5 on Zoom. And the attendance at Georges Rigal Swimming Pool increases every Saturday, where the small pool at 33°C is particularly appreciated, as well as the fun and friendly atmosphere.

Events in October:

A big thank you to our members and those of my team who participated in the clean up day in the Paris naturist park on October 10th. Even if the area is generally very clean, several bags were filled with cigarette butts and other rubbish.

Our fifth season in the Vincennes Woods drew to another close in October with better weather than we had in summer.

There were more people than we’d imagined at the sophrology workshop with Sandrine Larue on Wednesday October 20th and we were thrilled! We will invite Sandrine back for a new session soon.

A few days later, we saw Sandrine again at the headquarters of the French Federation of Naturism, where she was signing copies of her new book, Meurtres à nu.

Upcoming events:

Pull out your dancing shoes for another night of Beautiful Skin on Friday November 5th.

A group of swimmers are off to Turin on the first weekend of November for the international naturist swimming gala. I’ve noticed among our many new members a few very good swimmers and I hope you’ll be tempted to join in next year!

Origan Village and the ANP will join together at Marjolaine, France’s biggest organic and well-being fair, to present naturism to the general public. Please come and say hi at our stand PAV40 from Saturday November 6th till Sunday 14th. Perhaps you’ll win a holiday at Origan!

After a year-long wait, our naturist theatre evening will be held on Monday November 15th and it’s already fully booked.

Our friends from the FFN Centre Val de Loire have invited us to an evening at the Grand Chambord water park on Saturday December 4th for three hours of well-being. For those who’d like to stay all weekend, a luncheon will be organised on Sunday 5th at les Bogues, the grounds of l’Association Joie et Santé, near Orleans. You can reserve your places directly with the club.

Stéphane and Ted are currently organising our Christmas party for Tuesday December 21st. More information to follow…

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Closures: The pool and gym will be closed tonight, November 1st, and Thursday 11th.

Monthly drinks: The monthly gathering at Roger Le Gall is back! We’re sticking with the old format (one month on Monday, the next on Wednesday and the following on Friday, so that everyone can make it at some point) and always with a different theme. We start next week, on Monday November 8th, with the very popular bread and cheese theme. So come along with your favourite bread, cheese and drinks to share with your friends.

Massage: We’re relaunching massage this Wednesday November 3rd. Our volunteer masseur Michel will be at the pool with his magic hands. If you’d like to reserve the table, please send us an email.

Online classes: As I mentioned last month, reservations are now taken care of with a simple email from you each week, stating whether you want to book a class on Zoom or at the pool. This system is simple and easy for us all.

Tuesday 9:15pm: Yoga by Lyon
Thursday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson *
Friday 9:45pm: Yoga by Hamish
Saturday 11:30am: Pilates by Yannick **
Sunday 11:30am: Yoga by Lyon ***

* Note that Glaubeson will resume his gym classes on Thursdays after his return from holidays, after November 8th.
** Note the new time of Yannick’s class on Saturdays.
*** Note this new Sunday yoga class

INF Congress: I had the honour of representing France at the International Naturist Federation’s 37th congress in Slovenia in October. The INF, created in France in 1953, exists to help the world’s naturist federations in their work. At this congress, we elected a new president, Stéphane Deschênes from Canada, who is well-known at the ANP, thanks to his many visits to both pools with his wife Linda. Sieglinde Ivo, president since 2008, will remain for three more years in the role of co-president responsible for transition.
