Nudesletter – December 2021


In contrast with the weather, the sun shone on the ANP in November, with healthy attendance at both pools. For the end of the year, we have loads of naturist activities to offer you.

Events in November:

Congratulations to the French Federation of Naturism’s swim team, who returned from Turin with suitcases full of medals after the international naturist swimming gala. Our swimmers are already preparing for 2022. If you want to join them, we offer advanced swimming classes at Roger Le Gall swimming pool every Monday and Friday.

Half of the ANP board manned a stand next to that of Origan Village at Marjolaine organic fair in November, where we chatted with hundreds of passers-by over ten days. A huge thanks to Manu, who remained there for the entire week.

We were happy to finally enjoy our theatre evening on Monday November 15th, after a year-long wait, to see Fabrice Pannetier et Vincent Cordier in the excellent play Les Fous Alliés.

Upcoming events:

This Saturday, a few members are heading to the centre of France for an evening at the Grand Chambord water park, organised by the regional committee of the FFN Centre Val de Loire. You can still reserve your places with the Association Joie et Santé.

On Wednesday December 8th, Sandrine Larue will conduct another sophrology workshop. Please send us a word if you’d like to reserve your free places.

Our friends at Beautiful Skin are organising their last dance party of the year in Pantin on Saturday 11th.

On Monday 13th, we’d like to see you at our water polo match at Roger Le Gall swimming pool. You don’t require any level or experience! As with all of our activities, the idea is just to have fun.

On Tuesday December 21st, the ANP is celebrating the end of the year at l’Ange 20 with a big festive dinner! Places are limited, so please reserve yours now for an evening with great food, surrounded by the ANP family.
Reserve your places

The regional committee of the FFN Normandy would like you to participate in the first naturist swim of the year at La Redoute Beach in Merville-Franceville-Plage on Saturday January 1st at 11:30am.

On Sunday January 16th, we’re returning to our favourite karaoke joint in the centre of Paris. The whole place will be reserved for us and even the boss is converting to naturism!
Reserve your places for €25

The two ANPs join hands! We’re organising a nude hiking trip along the cliffy coastline of Marseille from April 27th – May 1st, with our friends from the Association Naturiste Phocéenne.

For more information on our outings, please take a look at the events page on our website or send us an email or an SMS on +33 7 66 14 53 09.

Third pool: Don’t get too excited; it’s just for two weeks! As in the past, we’ve taken advantage of the availability of the small pool at Roger Le Gall during the Christmas holidays to offer you more space. On Monday December 20th, Wednesday 22nd, Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th, the water aerobics classes – and possibly other activities – will take place in the 25m pool.

Reflexology: Valérie will be back on Monday December 20th to offer foot reflexology sessions. Please reserve your places in advance.

Monthly drinks: This month’s monthly gathering at Roger Le Gall, to celebrate Christmas, will take place on Wednesday December 8th. Please bring your festive dishes and drinks to share.

Closures: The pools and the gym will be closed on Friday 24th, Saturday 25th and Friday 31st December, plus Saturday January 1st.

Onsite classes: You have perhaps noticed that there are some sessions where there are too many participants. For everyone’s comfort, please send us an email ( to reserve your places and to avoid disappointment.

Monday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson
Tuesday 9:15pm: Yoga by Lyon
Wednesday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson
Thursday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson
Friday 9:45pm: Yoga by Hamish

Online classes: Avoid piling on the festive kilos by following our online classes, open to all. Send us an email to reserve your places.

Tuesday 9:15pm: Yoga by Lyon
Thursday 9:15pm: Gym by Glaubeson
Friday 9:45pm: Yoga by Hamish
Saturday 11:30am: Pilates by Yannick
Sunday 11:30am: Yoga by Lyon

I wish you all a very happy holiday season, surrounded by those you cherish.
