Our objective ? A group of young naturists managed by young naturists (15-26 years old included)!
Interview with our Youth representative: Léo
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
- Hello to all future readers! My name is Léo, I am 23 years old and I am a student in Paris. I am currently the youth representative of the Association of Naturists of Paris (ANP) but also a member of the youth commission of the French Federation of Naturism (FFN).
How did you discover naturism?
- I discovered naturism somewhat by chance. I do not come from a naturist family and therefore did not have the chance to spend my holidays at naturist campsites… However, I started to be interested in it from my early adolescence, starting by sleeping naked hanging naked whenever my parents were not there, or in my room. I very quickly understood that I felt more comfortable naked and through numerous Google searches I discovered the philosophy of naturism!
How did you get started?
- Before, there was a forum for young naturists called the AJNF (Association of Young Naturists of France) and I posted a message there to meet people of my age and from my region (I was still a minor and I preferred to talk about it with other teenagers). As the discussions progressed, I began to offer outings (naturist coffee at home, outings to the Paris naturist park or to Héliomonde) and I thus went to naturist places with other young people (behind my parents back…oops).
What is your relationship with naturism currently?
- Now I’m openly nudist with my close friends and I’ve already told my parents about it (they’re OK as long as I don’t do it in front of them). I try to stay at a naturist campsite every summer (I have already been to Héliomonde and Euronat) and during the year, I try to participate in naturist events in Paris (naturist swimming pool sessions with the ANP, naturist clubbing at Beautiful Skin, naturist spa session at Aqua St Paul…etc.).
What do you like about naturism?
- What I find incredible in naturism is above all the benevolence of naturists, the non-judgment of bodies and the desexualisation of nudity. The feeling of comfort and freedom is magical! If you’ve never swum naked in your life, you’ll see that once you try it you won’t be able to go back! In addition, I was quite self-conscious about my body which I found too “fragile guy” and naturism helped me accept myself as I am!
Why did you set out to create the youth commission of the FFN and the ANP?
- For several reasons: first of all, the AJNF no longer exists… There was therefore no longer a universal way to find young naturists in Paris with whom to practise naturism. And often, when you’re starting out and you’re young, you’re always afraid of being the only young person surrounded by older naturists. Creating a young commission is a guarantee of being able to have a familiar figure to reassure us before diving into the deep end!
Why did you limit the ANP youth group to a maximum of 27 years old?
- This is one of the great debates in naturism… Why make age categories and “divide” naturists? The youth section of the ANP does not plan to divide naturists into “young” and “old”! Access limited to 15-27 year olds is already a way for us to best support new naturists who would like to start with people of their age but especially from a financial point of view! We try to offer reduced prices for young people so that the monetary aspect cannot be a barrier to discovering naturism! (And often, we are students or in difficult financial situations when we are young). But do not panic ! During events, intergenerational exchange is strongly encouraged!
Do you have any advice for young people who would like to try naturism?
- For a start, we must remove the sexual connotation of nudity that society instils in us… You can start by sleeping naked or doing your daily activities naked (homework, watching TV in bed, cooking…). Then, when you feel comfortable naked alone, you can consider testing with people who would be as interested as you in hanging out naked together, either physically at each other’s homes or virtually via calls or conversations. For example, when I’m having an exam, I like to motivate myself to work by having video calls with my naturist friends to force us not to procrastinate while sharing our love for naturism!
- One of the big fears of guys when they start out is having an erection. Honestly, that never happens! You will be too stressed about having one that it will have the opposite effect on you! And if it happens anyway, a splash in the pool and that’s it! Plus, as I said above, the naturist community is super caring so no one will hold it against you! But again, naturism is not sexual so if you come to “show off” then you are not in the right place!
How can we contact you if we have questions?
- You can contact me via the youth section email address: anp-jeunes@naturistes-paris.fr !
- Ultimately, the goal is to create a simpler way with groups such as WhatsApp, SnapChat or Discord to get information in real time and have discussion groups.
- If you’re not from the Paris region, don’t panic! I am also a member of the youth commission of the French Federation of Naturism at national level and we have an email address: commission.jeune@ffn-naturisme.com! There are 4 young people managing the commission so don’t hesitate to mention me if you wanted to be in direct contact with me!
If you are between 18 and 27 years old and you want to be part of the adventure of young naturists as a representative, do not hesitate to send an email to anp-jeunes@naturistes-paris.fr !