
Did you know that the word “gymnasium”, from Ancient Greek, means “exercise naked”? In full nudity, you can train freely in our gym. Comprising two sections, the gym has a room dedicated to endurance and the other to weight training and body building, with weight benches, weights, machines for the back, arms, etc.

An aerobics session is held most evenings in our gym at Roger Le Gall Swimming Pool.

Association des Naturistes de Paris

With nudity being the rule in this area as in the case of all other ANP activities, a towel large enough to cover the seat and back of all machines and equipment must be used at all times.

Security regulations demand a presence of no more than 19 people on the entire first floor at a time. Any overflow will be managed if necessary.

LIVE CLASSES – Hours and practical information

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
21:00 – 23:00
(Members + visitors)
21:00 – 23:00
(Members only)
21:00 – 23:00
(Members + visitors)
21:30 – 23:30
(Members + visitors)
Gym classes
21:15 – 22:15
(Members + visitors)
21:15 – 22:15
(Members + visitors)
Yoga classes
21:15 – 22:15
(Members only)

  • Consult the calendar for opening and closing dates.
  • How to find the pool.
  • What are our rates?

All of our activities: Pool, Gym, Monthly drinks, External events.